Pohnpei Adventure Day Three

Rainy morning.  Long leisurely breakfast.  Went to the Telecom building to check my email.  When I returned, they were replacing the aircontitioner in my room, no idea why the old one was working fine.  For lunch, I ordered a chili cheese burger.  Chili is very tame and there was no cheese.  There was a slice of strong onion, thinly sliced cucumbers and mayonnaise.  Very different but good.  Another sailboat was in the bay.  I wonder where they came from.  I did watch a man row back and forth between two of the sailboats.  I think he was taking parts off of one to fix the other. 

The South Park restaurant had been recommend for the food and sunsets, so I went there.  The hotel seemed fine but no guests that I could see.  The views were quite good.  There was a large open area that features native dancers sometimes.  I didn't see any.  (I have since learned that they dance performed are not native to Pohnpei but more of the entertainment types of hula dances from Hawaii that tourisist expect.) I did observe the staff enjoying themselves and frequently giggling.  Even though I couldn't understand them it was obvious they were enjoying themselves immensely.  I sat outside for an hour or so hoping for a sunset.  It didn't happen.  I have seen pictures from here taken in the summer that are awesome.  If I can find a public domain one I will post it here later. The airport is due north from here and within a mile but I can see none of it.  I can see more of the extraction operations but it looks mostly like gravel or coral.  I have heard that there is a plan to extend the runway at the airport so this probably what is going on.  The pictures here are about 60 feet above sealevel.  It is much more beautiful than these pictures show.  Sorry, I should have brought the better camera.  Just to the north of here there are eight ships quitely listing to port.  They were once small passenger ships, possibly part of a fleet that took tourists around the island.  I was going to ask Lois to ask her husband who works on a ship.

I am in the city of Kolonia the capital city of Pohnpei.  There are four districts based on ancient tribal traditions.  Again this will require some resarch, but their names are Maldolnihmw, U (Uh on some maps), Kiti and Nett (spelled Net on another map).  I suspect being from U generates some interesting responses ala "Who's on First."  I had ginger pork for dinner.  Quite ordinary actually.  Veggies were the same as last night at a different restaurant corn, peas, a few green beans and one lima bean, sticky rice too.  Small portions which is good.

The ride back was in an old cab with an old driver (LOL old passenger too).  The cab smelled of mothballs.  Quite unusual, but sometimes mothballs are used to discourage mice.  I kept wondering if it was infested with mice.  My ex-wife's Prius would attract mice from time to time.  We returned on a back road through a very poor area.  Lots of people outside talking to each other, a few children at play but nothing organized.  I did see one kid playing with a basket ball but no hoop to shoot at.  The smell of charcoal was pervasive.  No electricity or running water so most likely it was people preparing the evening meal.  The houses are very modest by any standard, but they are neat and all have some kind of garden.  People clean the street in front of dwellings.  That seldom happens where I live.

I did find a local paper which is published from time to time on a schedule known only to them.  Apparently, an American expat was murdered in June.  The killer convicted and was to be sentenced on January 8th.  Recommended sentence was 45 years.  The paper has 16 pages, many pictures and little substance.  There was one touching editorial by a father whose daughter was murdered on Yap.  I have no idea when but seems like it was recent.  Another long article was a discussion of no substance about tax reform.  Reminded me of the U.S.  There was an article about the environment concerning a Czech coal fired power plant.  To me solar, wind and tidal make more sense than importing coal. 

This was the end of the third day.  I was supposed to be learning my lines for the play, but reading seemed to be the higher priority.

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