Pohnpei Adventure Day Seven

After leaving Nan Madol we went to Kepirohi Falls which is close by, if you know where to turn.  We parked in a yard.  Lois translated.  Again the fee was $3.00 to visit the waterfall (which is 66 feet tall).  It turns out that all property is owned by someone on Pohnpei and the standard fee to cross is $3.00.  Interesting custom.  I paid the $3.00 and began walking down a very slippery trail.  There was a group of people from The Village ahead of us.  I didn't get to talk to any of them.  One very young woman had an underwater camera and was very interested in something in the water.  Later I found out that there are many small eels in the water.  Another young woman, 30ish kept adjusting her bathing suit bra which kept me entertained for quite awhile.  The falls are gorgeous.  People splashed in the pool and enjoyed themselves.  I had not brought a bathing suit and there was not really a place to change.  Beautiful flowers along the path.  Just like in paradise.

There are six easily accessible waterfalls on the island and more that only the natives know where to hike into.  I hope to return and find more.

We continued around the island until we came to an unusual rock outcropping called Chicken Shit Mountain.  Well I wonder what the early missionaries thought of that and how did the map makers accommodate that.  In Western Washington there is a creek that was called Wet Ass Creek for obvious reasons.  The map makers changed it to Wetase Creek.  Oh well more research for me.

As my cash was running low, I stopped at the only ATM on the island.  It was near closing time and there was a line which was moving slowly.  People would put in one or more credit cards, some would take away cash others would leave in frustration.  One woman hung around the machine after her cards wouldn't work as I approached she decided to try it again.  I suggested rubbing it on her dress for luck.  She did.  It worked.  Then I put in my card.  No luck, tried again, no luck, tried a third time, still nothing, minutes before the bank closed and I wondered if they would cash a check, I rubbed the card on my Hawaiian shirt, Bingo!  Got my cash and left.  I did see a woman that truly looked to be a 100 years old moving with the help of a child.  I wanted to talk to her but did not get the opportunity.

Had dinner at the Ocean View and met Stuart "Stu" Coffee.  He is from British Columbia and has been to Port Angeles.  Stu is a consultant to the Pohnpei government on taxation.  They have to fix their tax system before the Compact ends.  I had a great time talking to him about many things.  The government of Australia hired him as a consultant and provides him a furnished apartment at $900 a month, which is quite spendy by the standards I saw.  Stu came to Pohnpei from Afghanistan.  Quite an adventure he is having.  Stu wanted to take Cindy and I around the island which we scheduled for Jan 3.

New Year's Eve is not much of a celebration.  Some young kids drive around in pickup trucks beating on things every 20 minutes or so.  And I did see someone shoot off a flare over the harbor.  Pretty tame.  I went to my room and watched The Wizard of Oz and read my book.  I guess I am pretty tame too.